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NX7.5 CAM Tutorial: Contour Surface Area Machining

NX7.5 CAM Tutorial: Contour Surface Area Machining. This video shows Contour Surface Area 3 axis Machining in detail.

NX7.5 CAM Tutorial: Contour Surface Area Machining

1 comment:

  1. Any tips on what career changes might work for a graphic artist. Of course, anything to do with the computer, as I have a lot of experience with computer use. One idea I have is to get training in AutoCAD, Solidworks software, for a more engineering approach to graphics. But it doesn't have to relate to graphics, at all.. . Please, no links to job search sites, I use them. Im just tryign to get an idea here.. I cant trust people adding random links, as you might be a spammer. Not answering my question and adding a link will immediately have you blocked.. or reported for abuse..

    Solid Works
